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Whatever your reason for donating and however you choose to make your donation, we are extremely grateful for your support.

- Dan and Kami Downey

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

Losing a child is not part of the plan. It certainly was not part of our plan. Brendan is always on our minds and is forever in our hearts. This sudden and unexpected death rocked us to the core. We grieve and mourn every minute of everyday. Everyday is a bad day but with 'good' moments.

This memorial fund is a good moment for us. Because of Brendan's unique condition, it made it easier for us to establish a Vision and Mission of helping students that are in similar situations. We can't say for sure this is what Brendan would have wanted but we can say that he would think that this endeavor is pretty cool


We look to our friends and family to give us strength. Most especially, we find strength through God to pull us out of the darkness. We truly appreciate your time in visiting this site and thank everyone for their friendship and support.


Always in loving memory of Brendan,

Dan and Kami Downey

100% of funds donated will go to the Memorial Fund.

Additionally, if you have a Venmo account and would like to make a donation, for your convenience, below is our scan code.

DK Downey


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